Pedaling South

L'expédition en vélo de l'Alaska à l'Argentine de Lucie et Torrey

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January 29th, 2010 · 3 Comments

À quoi peut bien goûter un crocodile? J’ai constaté qu’il l’offre au menu de certains restaurants… Celui-ci nous attendait, sans broncher, à moins de deux mètres de la route. Nous avons aussi croisé un serpent à sonnette quelques kilomètres plus loin. Nous porterons assurément une attention particulière aux endroits où nous lancerons notre tente prochainement.

In grizzly country, it’s best to cook away from your campsite and hang your food from a tree. We invite anyone with advice on what to do in crocodile country to drop us a line. This big reptile was about 12 feet long. We came upon it right on the side of the road exiting San Blas. It seemed to be waiting for something to crawl into its mouth, an interesting if ineffective hunting technique. Or maybe we scared away those little birds that are always dutifully cleaning crocodile teeth… we didn’t wait around to find out. Oh yeah – there are giant rattlesnakes here too!

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Tags: Countries · Mexique

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Little Tony // Jan 29, 2010 at 12:16 pm

    Alligators sit with their mouth open like that to cool off. They also tend to sit in sunny spots during the day to get warmed up, thats usually when you see them with their mouth open. They aren’t really scavengers though and have never had one come near my campsite because they smelled food. Just make sure you aren’t camping on a nest of eggs (a mound usually surrounded by swampy water) and they probably won’t bother you.

  • 2 Sherri Olson // Jan 29, 2010 at 4:21 pm

    AVOID THEM! That is all I can come up with :)

  • 3 Gary Jones // Feb 1, 2010 at 9:25 am

    My advice is not to pull on either of their tales.

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